How to Choose the Right USPS Shipping Solution for Your Product [Infographic]

When it comes to getting your product from point A to point B, it doesn’t hurt to do a little research before boxing it up and shipping it off. In all honesty, you’d be doing yourself – and your wallet – a disservice if you didn’t. In the age of online shipping, much of the emphasis is placed on satisfying orders efficiently, but you can streamline your own process, and save money doing it, by identifying the ideal USPS shipping solution for your product.

So how do you understand the difference between flat rate and regional rate boxes? Or is Priority Mail a more suitable option for you? As you can see from the infographic below, much of what you need to know depends on the weight and the “where” of your wares.

Let’s weigh your options …

For more news and tips, check out our FedEx vs. UPS vs. USPS shipping rates comparison page.

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