I spoke a bit about the upcoming April price change in my last post. As I wrote then, this price change will focus on changes to prices for the U.S. Postal Service’s® market dominant mail classes. How much it will affect you as a shipper depends on how much non-expedited shipping you do. If you use Media Mail®, Library Mail, Parcel Post® or First-Class™ Parcels or Flats, here’s what you can expect to see.
The most exciting news so far is the introduction of Commercial Base pricing for First-Class Mail Parcels. By using an online postage solution, shippers will be for the most part spared any price increase on these packages as the Commercial Base discount is 15¢ or the same amount as the price increase. Only the one and two ounce prices will increase by 34¢ and 17¢ respectively in order to line up with the new pricing of offering up to three ounces at the single rate of $1.71 or $1.56 with the discount.
First-Class Flats will be going up, in some cases by as much as 36¢ (for the heaviest option the 13oz. rate). Do keep in mind that even with those increases these prices are highly competitive with what’s available from commercial shipping services for light packages.
Media Mail and Library Mail will be increasing 15¢ (or less for packages less than 7lbs.) Increases in Parcel Post service will bring them closer to pricing for Parcel Select® service. If you use Parcel Post or Select service, you will want to take a look at the 1 lb. rates for Parcel Select which will be cheaper than Parcel Post for most zones.
Delivery Confirmation™ pricing will not change. Signature Confirmation™ will go up 10¢. Insurance rates will also be going up but most shippers find third party insurance a more cost-effective and streamlined option. So you may not be affected by that.
So there you have it. Expect more details in next month’s DYMO Endicia newsletter. In the meantime, let me know what you think about the upcoming price change.
For more news and tips, check out our FedEx vs. UPS vs. USPS shipping rates comparison page.