For the new 2018 shipping carriers comparison chart click here.
With the new year comes new shipping rates. All three major carriers (FedEx, UPS and USPS) are changing their pricing and services, which means it’s a great time for e-commerce businesses to review their shipping strategy.
One thing you’ll want to watch for in 2017: both FedEx and UPS are changing their dimensional weight (DIM) calculations. FedEx changed its DIM divisor for domestic Ground shipping from 166 to 139. UPS has done the same for U.S. domestic services packages greater than 1,728 cubic inches (those less than or equal to 1,728 cubic inches will continue to use a 166 divisor) and all UPS Standard from Canada shipments. What does this mean for you? Businesses shipping larger packages will pay more. Need a dimensional weight pricing primer? Find one here.
We at Endicia make it a priority to educate you about the changes and how they’ll affect your business, which is why we’ve created the shipping rate comparison chart below. We hope this breakdown of FedEx, UPS and USPS costs will help determine the best carrier for your shipping needs (FYI: despite the rate changes, USPS is still the best value in most cases for SMBs shipping lighter-weight packages).
For more information about the USPS price change, which goes into effect on January 22, check out the Endicia January 2017 USPS Price Change page, where you can also view an on-demand price change webinar.
For a printable version of the infographic, click here.
About Endicia
Endicia is a leading provider of internet-based postage services that make it easier and more affordable to ship parcels through the U.S. Postal Service®. We know that shipping can be complex and our goal is to simplify your shipping operations so you can focus on doing what you do best. Visit us at www.endicia.com to learn more.